Sunday, March 6, 2011

Technology Fundraiser

Welcome Everyone to Miss Sam's Blog!

I would like to start off by saying that this blog is a new, easy and quick way to communicate with me as well as fellow parents and guardians about events taking place within your child's fifth grade classroom.  With this blog I will post homework assignments, future test dates and any major events taking place within the school and/or classroom.  The goals I have are to keep you and the students smiling and informed!

I have brought all of you "here" because our school's hard working Parent Teacher Association (PTA) will be hosting a Technology Fundraiser for my classroom in order to raise money for computers and new educational-based technology programs!  The students and I are extremely excited for the opportunity the PTA has offered the classroom as new equipment means new opportunities!  The fresh start the PTA is offering my classroom is a chance in a lifetime as students have the ability to learn and grow! We urge all of you to get involved in any way possible! 

I understand that introducing access to technology and the internet within the classroom can be frightening but don’t worry as the school along with me will ensure that classroom computer use is for educational based programs and homework only.  As well, your child’s safety and privacy is a strong factor so proper privacy settings will be active on all computers prior to any use.  Technology is a field that advances quite quickly and your students are along for the ride!  Technology has the ability to:

·         Develop  proper typing technique
·         Learn about the internet has a resource
·         Aid the teacher and be supplemental to any lesson plans within the classroom
·         Provide educational based learning programs to help your child grow and learn new concepts
·         Be new, fun and exciting!
·         Prepare students for the future
·         Prepare students for any future careers

When teaching, there are two educational learning methods that are used, direct and constructivist.
Direct Learning Theory:   Students are taught based in a teacher-centered classroom where “skills and content to be learned are cleared defined, concrete, and unambiguous” (Roblyer, 2006, p.40).
            Constructivist Learning Theory : Also known as Discovery Learning, this theory is based on “inquiry-based learning” and urges students to discover knowledge and the world around them on their own or with groups based on “real-life situations” (Roblyer, 2006, p.36, 46).
Depending on the topic, both learning approaches will be used within the classroom.
Prior to the fundraiser, I want to take the opportunity to describe my wish list for the fundraiser
1.        Computer Workstations with Microsoft Office
a.      Enables Students to:
                                                                          i.       Type documents using Microsoft Word
                                                                        ii.      Create graphs using Excel
                                                                      iii.      Create slideshows and Presentations using PowerPoint
b.      All are user friendly, easy and fun to use!
2.      LCD Projector
a.      Easy to use!
b.      Easy for students to see handouts
c.       Has the ability to stream videos online and view webpages
The goal of having Microsoft Office is to help students prepare for their futures in middle school, high school, college and beyond as this is an internationally used program.  By having students become familiar with the program early on will allow each to excel as adults in their future careers.  Microsoft Office can be used as a way for me to use constructivist learning theory as students can freely design and create presentations based on their own needs.  For example, students may work in groups, be assigned a former of the United States and asked to create a PowerPoint presentation.   How, why and what the PowerPoint presentations are about, are up to the students!
The goal of having an LCD Projector would enable me as a teacher to have the lesson be taught in a Directed Learning Approach as I would inform the students what to write down and what the goals of the lesson are.
Lastly, I want to take the opportunity to thank everyone for taking the time to read this! I hope EVERYONE is excited to be informed of the next steps and is EXCITED to get involved with the PTA’s technology fundraiser.  The more the students experience, the more they are able to grow and shine!
Please feel free to leave positive comments below!

Roblyer, M.D. (2006).  Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. (4th ed).  Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is an assignment for an educational technology course at National University. It is not a real fundraising blog.